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Additional creative partners can be found in our partner directory . I want to create mobile video ads myself, using partner templates and tools I have existing assets and want to work with a partner to optimize them for mobile video ads Partner Directory Explore more creative opportunities through our Partner Directory to see a full list of the partners, services and solutions available to your business.
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For instance, if you're logged into YouTube and you watch an embedded YouTube video on some other site, YouTube can still recognize you because your browser will still send a personalized YouTube cookie. This means that loading an embedded video from within a blog could enable the video hosting site (and, in some cases, its advertising partners) to compile a history of which blog entries you were reading and when — even if you didn't try to play the...
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Different placements allow different video lengths , although shorter videos are usually more engaging on mobile devices. When you create video ads, you can upload your own video or create a video from images using our video creation tools .
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A statement from the Spanish government alleged the production company responsible for the video had not sought permission. A label spokesperson for Perry said "the local video production company assured us all necessary permits for the video were secured" and that they had "verbal authority" to go ahead.