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A menudo, las fotos de las fichas policiales nunca se eliminan de la base de datos, aunque nunca se hayan presentado cargos contra la persona detenida.
Compartir   Milei asume la presidencia de Argentina (FOTOS) share Ver comentarios Print El flamante presidente de Argentina, el ultraderechista Javier Milei, advirtió a sus compatriotas que el país se encuentra en una situación crítica derivada de los errores cometidos durante décadas y anunció que para evitar una hiperinflación y enderezar la economía tomará dolorosas medidas de ajuste.
1 josejuan @__josejuan__ 14 Apr 2023 Replying to @_jmgomez_ NeRF entrena d 0 1 red usando fotos d 1 escena, se le da la info de la cámara (pos, dir, ...) y la imagen q se ve; con eso luego dada otra info de cámara, te deduce lo q se vería.
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Episode 11: The Latvians Deported By Stalin To Siberia: Andrys Ziders The last time Andrys Ziders saw his father was June 14, 1941. Ziders and his family were among roughly 15,000 Latvians deported to Siberia after thousands of Latvian men were executed by Soviet troops; the most likely fate of his father.
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Gets 3 years exile in Tobolsk, Siberia. Condemned again to 3 years of exile at Tver. Yuri Reidmane, arrested and sent to Parabel village, in Tomsk district. Other anarchists are also sent there –Boris Neerzki, and Yuri’s brother Alexander.
Before February 2022, when Russia’s military forces invaded Ukraine, oil was running from Siberia and other peripheral regions to Europe (via Ukraine), whereas money was travelling from Europe to Moscow, and then from Moscow back to Europe.
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Moscow has pivoted to supply China’s evolving energy needs with oil and gas accounting for more than 60 percent of Russian exports to China, a trend that could continue as China weans itself off coal and relies more on gas. The Power of Siberia pipeline launched in 2019 already provides gas to China, with plans for its output to increase in the future. A second pipeline, Power of Siberia 2, is also under discussion .
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The men violently removed the human rights defender from her home in the indigenous reservation of "La Laguna-Siberia" in Caldono, Cauca, before murdering her. Sandra Liliana Peña Chocué was an Indigenous Authority of the Nasa people and Governor of the indigenous resguardo "La Laguna-Siberia SAT Tama kiwe" in Cauca.