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SuprBay: The PirateBay Forum SuprBay: The PirateBay Forum > Member Forums > Requests > Audio Requests > AUDIOBOOK: The Cycle of the Gift by James E. Hughes Full Version: AUDIOBOOK: The Cycle of the Gift by James E. Hughes You're currently viewing a stripped down version of our content.
A book website can be stitched into an ebook using wget and calibre wget -r --no-parent -erobots=off http://www.hpmor.com/ ebook-convert index.html hpmor.epub Convert ebook to audiobook I wrote a babashka script for this: ebook-to-audiobook X Window system tricks Switch to Colemak layout in X window system setxkbmap us -variant colemak Natural scrolling Run the following command, then logout and login. echo "pointer = 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12" > > ~/.Xmodmap VirtualBox...
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I know you're all so excited to see this site back up. . ├── A Series of Unfortunate Events Audiobook ├── A Series of Unfortunate Events Netflix ├── Censored Purism Intel FSP Post ├── CopperheadOS_final-release ├── Dilbert ├── HTTYD ├── Lego Factory Model Trains ├── LotRaudiobook ├── Warriors ├── ~TILDE ├── [209M] 'Deception Was My Job' or 'Soviet Subversion of the Free World Press' (Complete Interview)-jFfrWKHB1Gc.mp4 ├── [ 54M] 2B2T - GREATERSPAWN FINAL-1000-jelooboi.webp ├── [5.2M] 2b2t...
100+ Agorist, Bitcoin, Monero, privacy and tech links Books ⭐ An Agorist Primer — SEK3 PDF: https://kopubco.com/pdf/An_Agorist_Primer_by_SEK3.pdf Audiobook: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Ul7K2yXMucE Second Realm: Book on Strategy — Smuggler & XYZ PDF: https://ia801807.us.archive.org/34/items/second-realm-digital/Second%20Realm%20Paperback%20New.pdf Audiobook: https://vonupodcast.com/free-audiobook-second-realm-book-on-strategy-by-smuggler-xyz ⭐ Why...
It covers the period from a number of different perspectives, including a clerical/monastic one that is easy to underestimate and ignore with a modern secular bias. There is also a very listen-able audiobook version available on Audible. infradig 6m I so look forward to our monthly Anglo Saxon Kings and Queens of England article. physicsguy 6m My fave podcast (The Rest is History) has a subscription tier for the Aethel-STANs: https://therestishistory.supportingcast.fm/gifts Comment was...
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While the sample size is limited, these findings provide a foundation for further exploration into the safety and implications of psilocybin use during pregnancy. ✨ RESEARCH PAPER & AUDIOBOOK IS AVAILABLE ✨ tell a friend 0 comments r/Datura • u/Midnightsaito7 • 17h ago Trip Report Datura skin ointment NSFW 19 Upvotes Hey guys, made some ointment containing lots of datura.
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Most girls doesn’t tell anything about the past → More replies (1) 7 u/Environmental-Pear40 Mar 10 '24 I can fix her, I have a shock caller, lsd and The King James Bible on audiobook. Humanitarian groups may frown on my efforts though. → More replies (1) 6 u/Important_Dentist_78 I want pee in my ass Mar 10 '24 I can fix her (do we bring the dog to bed?)
By John White Frannie Carr Toth Lynn Levy Rowan Niemisto and Pam Belluck Credit Photo Illustration by The New York Times; Photo: Emon Hassan for The New York Times Jenny Slate’s Audiobook ‘Lifeform’ Delivers Her collection of essays is made for the ear. By Sara Curtis Wendy Dorr Rhoda Feng and Diane Wong Credit Photo Illustration by The New York Times; Photo: Ryan Pfluger for The New York Times How a Blouse, a Bandage or a Handshake Might Sway a Voter Our critics decode the political...
Anonymous 06/01/23(Thu)00:02:56 No. fmu-CCWY191F ▶ Report post Hide post (JS) Image search » Google Yandex SauceNAO trace.moe Music, podcast, audiobook, game, environment, or anything else welcome - with links if desired 187 replies and 33 images, Click here to view all. > > Anonymous 08/08/24(Thu)06:32:52 No. fmu-FVC6ZV3V ▶ Report post Hide post (JS) Image search » Google Yandex SauceNAO trace.moe File: Flip top box [201126998].mp3 (2.11 MiB) [ Draw ] [Hide] NSFW Content Audio is not...
Embed share Trump Meets Merkel After Calling Germany 'Captive' To Russia Embed share The code has been copied to your clipboard. width px height px Share on Facebook Share on Twitter The URL has been copied to your clipboard No media source currently available 0:00 0:01:41 0:00 Merkel also writes about the difficulties of being the first female candidate for chancellor and her decision to welcome large numbers of migrants and displaced people in 2015 in the 700-plus page memoir, which is being...
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Even on my toaster GPU it generates about 16 words per second or 1000 words a minute. You could generate a 90,000 word audiobook in about an hour and a half. >>5486 My frustration is how inaccessible and convoluted these models are. They can't be deployed to consumers, but I got some ideas for a lightweight and expressive speech synthesis that can be run on a CPU.