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French Newspaper Le Nouvel Observateur reports on a BBC TV Programme 'Panorama' which aimed to expose trolls and managed to mention Encyclopedia Dramatica as well ( Translation ) Archived version Digital.bg , a Bulgarian website, has an article on The biggest scandals affecting our personal data on the Internet, which mentions the Craigslist experiment and ED ( Translation ) thongtincongnghe.com , A Vietnamese website had an article on Internet Scandals and mentions ED ( Translation ) March 2012...
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MORPHEUS: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else, you were born into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. A prison for your mind. Contents 1 What is the Matrix 2 Resisting the Matrix 3 Subverting the Matrix 3.1 Gift Culture 3.2 Information Anarchy 3.3 The Anonymous Internet Economy 4 Freedom Seekers are Not Terrorists 5 Spreading the Word 6 Target Audience 6.1 Civil Libertarians 6.2 Whistleblowers 6.3 Bloggers and Independent Journalists 6.4...
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/donna4mi/videos/560989136097818/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1dRKZMPRnBDxB Rumble: https://rumble.com/v2s84we-bnn-brandenburg-news-network-2222023-redeeming-grace-church-dr-tim-parker.html https://rumble.com/v2agsf8-bnn-brandenburg-news-network-2222023-redeeming-grace-church-dr-tim-parker.html Odysee: https://odysee.com/@BrandenburgNewsNetwork:d/bnn-2023-02-22-redeeming-grace-church-dr-tim-parker:9 Transcript in English (auto-generated) good morning...
dqDXgRAqElDN08rh9zU0GA 1000x761 R:13 / I:53 / P:11 [R]   [G]   [-] View thread Digilove frontier (digimon) Couldn't find it online, so here. 850x1201 R:21 / I:25 / P:11 [R]   [G]   [-] View thread Fur34 New fur34 thread 1500x1633 R:4 / I:12 / P:11 [R]   [G]   [-] View thread Futanari on Male Post all your futanari on male hentai here. Bondage, abduction and r@pe futanari would be good. Webms and mp4 would also be greatly appreciated. pic related is all I have, it's not even hentai, it's...
And surely we can't be the only group desiring freedom from this type of commercial bondage by Big Tech. There must be literally hundreds (or thousands?) of groups interested in truly open conversational AI, and in a diverse set of fields as well.
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