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The market team built a chat area called Elon’s SpeakEasy where the market’s management team allows the user to chat with other users or the support team to make you feel that this is a reliable market so be careful not to marvel because this is the way of this market to knock you down and take your money. Links: 1. http://vzmvmmaldx3h7vx6.onion/ 2. http://3twqowj7hetz3dwf.onion/ 3. http://d6icqld2aunwupgp.onion/ UnderMarket 2.0 – SCAM! This is a long-standing scam market on the dark web...
Monitoring Occurs Daily & Updates Are Made Post-Manual Review Weekly . 305 Total Reported Sites 266 Sites Running 39 Sites Down 0 Sites Added This Week Filter Minimum Reports: Maximum Reports: Search By Reports: > 250 > 500 < 500 Reset Site Name DOMAIN CATEGORY REPORTS STATUS Zapper http://iq4jodjctlz5mfaximz2wrv2m4dqxak2ja6273bgkxrt5hyzlr3emyid.onion/ Miscellaneous 351 currently up YATL: Yet Another Topic Links http://bxkqj6tqkamhrdmpsf6ehxgbqvayusionnlqc4kskaqdlvzjevwjnpid.onion/ Miscellaneous 455...
Click Here Press CTRL + F to open the search bar and check if the link is in the scam list Markets: SITE NAME SITE LINK DeepMart http://deepmartyqzffl5n.onion/ DeepMart http://deepmarticgyp6if.onion/ DeepMart http://deepmart55jnyjvd.onion/ DeepMart http://deepmartrigqwenz.onion/ DeepMart http://deepmartmfvbijza.onion/ DeepMart http://deepmarbaaaiwpph.onion/ DeepMart http://deepmarbql25sagu.onion/ DeepMart http://deepmar57fbonfiw.onion/ DeepMart...